Rejuvenate Leadership Alliance (RLA) is a covenant partnership of leaders, ministries and businesses, for the purpose of apostolic covering, connecting, equipping, expressing and accomplishing the mandates of the Kingdom of God. We believe in the fullness of the Gospel of the Kingdom through Jesus Christ and the indwelling and baptism of the Holy Spirit, in partnership with the five fold equipping administration of Ephesian 4. These principles and gifts given by Jesus, equip us to bring breakthrough and transformation to the cities, regions and territories we have been sent to. Our goal is to create a network of relationship, accountability, prophetic vision and impartation that builds up the local leader and local ministry for the assignments of the Kingdom. We are confident that through the partnership and influence of RLA, your life, your ministry, your business will grow in identity and impact to bring effective change, for God's glory.​​
Benefits For The
Local Church And Business
Provides confidence of covering authority and accountability for the organization and it's leadership
Provides access and resource to training, equipping and organizational structure opportunities
Provides opportunity of relationship with other ministries and businesses that allows for vision, idea, strategy and resource sharing
Provides the opportunity for ongoing organizational leadership training and development to congregations and businesses through conferences and individual on-site seminars
Provides opportunity for ministries and businesses to, both, financially and apostolically invest in missions and ministries in regions and territories globally
Benefits For The
Local Leader
Provides the local leader with the security and confidence of apostolic covering
Provides the opportunity to be in the covenant relationship of a family with other leaders and peers that you can trust, look to for accountability, friendship, ministry partnership and gleaning
Provides the opportunity for ministry impartation, training, ministry gift discovery and development
Provides the opportunity to be involved in relational and impartational gatherings of close peers and peer couples
Provides opportunities to minister and invest missionaly in other regions, territories and internationally through covenant connections
Provides the opportunity for ministry licensing, ordination and commissioning
Requirements For
As a leader, you must be born again through the blood of Jesus Christ, being sanctified by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and baptized or seeking to be baptized in the power of the Holy Spirit
Live a life worthy of the call of God, in spirit and truth. A life of integrity and character towards the image of Christ
Answer with openness and honesty, the questions on the RLA application and in any follow up interview with RLA leadership
The leader and / or the ministry must align and remain in alignment with the values and mission of Rejuvenate Leadership Alliance
Remain under the covering of the Rejuvenate Leadership Alliance and in accountable relationships with it's leader(s)
Leaders and ministries are committed to making a financial investment into Rejuvenate Leadership Alliance
Be a senior leader of a ministry or business
Steps To
Recommendation by an RLA Covenant Partner​
Completion of RLA Application
Approval by Apostle or Apostolic Council
Financial Commitment Contribution